Posts tagged 'Clippers'
Wahl Clipper and Trimmer Guide
Founded in 1919, Wahl has over 100 years experience in pet grooming. With humble beginnings as a family-owned clipper manufacturer, Wahl soon expanded in to new areas and has become one of the most recognised brands in the pet grooming industry
Top 5 Dog Grooming Clippers from Christies Direct
Choosing Clippers can be a minefield for groomers or home groomers. We have hand picked our top 5 clippers to help you choose
The Best Dog Grooming Clippers for 2023
Picking the right clipper is a tough choice but don't worry! Our clipper experts have worked hard to put together their awards for The Best Dog Grooming Clippers of 2023, or as we like to call it, The Clippies!
October Recap! Wahl, Motus, and Smart Credit
Catch up on all the deals and news you may have missed for October plus, get a hint at what to expect in November!
Anna Mulholland: Getting the perfect clip
Join Anna as she discusses how to make sure your clipping is next level with her top tips. She talks about her personal experience with clipping and she uses technique and products to eliminate clipper lines.
Why you should buy the Andis Vida Trimmer
Join Leona McGeough as she tells you why you should by the Andis Vida Trimmers for your dog grooming salon. She gives you her honest opinion on the trimmers as well as discussing the many features this trimmer has to offer!