Blog - Meet the Team - Jilly the Lhasa Apso

Blog - Meet the Team  - Jilly the Lhasa Apso
Blog - Meet the Team - Jilly the Lhasa Apso


Meet Jilly.

Like most Lhasa Apso’s she is a little dog with a big personality.  She is a loyal and protective little imp, who will bark at the slightest thing that seems out of the ordinary for her, and if you happen to get in the way between her and her mummy & daddy, you won’t be popular!

If you have your own little Lhasa Apso or are considering it in the future there are a few things that will make caring for their coat and skin much easier.  Especially if like Jilly, they love nothing more than being pampered and you find yourself grooming whether it’s actually needed or not!

The most identifiable trait of a Lhasa is the long, smooth coat. If you have a show dog, the coat must be left long, meaning frequent grooming and baths. If you have a Lhasa not headed for the show ring they can have their coats trimmed short, simplifying the grooming ritual. 

Long-haired Lhasas require daily brushing to prevent mats and tangles. Use a spray conditioner to wet the coat first. Never brush your Lhasa while his coat is completely dry. 

Bathe a long-haired Lhasa once every week or two. Lhasas that have been trimmed typically don't require so much attention to their coats. They need to be brushed only a few times a week and bathed every two to three weeks.

Toenails should be professionally trimmed once or twice a month, while teeth need regular brushing to prevent tartar buildup and bad breath.

In between professional grooms, you may want to take care of a few other things if the need arises such as wiping their ears and cleaning eyes to help prevent infections and keep their face looking fresh.

If you have any questions about the best products to use on your Lhasa Apso or any breed, give our Customer Care team a call who will be happy to help!  

You can ring them on 

02827 666879

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