Recap! September Edition: Dryers, Discounts and DivideBuy!

Recap! September Edition: Dryers, Discounts and DivideBuy!
Recap! September Edition: Dryers, Discounts and DivideBuy!

september recap

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C'est la vie September…

september offers

Groom Professional’s highly sought-after blo dryers came back in stock just as our end-of-summer sale was making quite the splash with 30% off our new 1L-sized bottles of Groom Professional Shampoo & conditioners. We caught the scent of savings with a sweet 20% off Colognes and sharpened our skills with 25% off the student’s favourite, Allievo Scissor Bundle

student essentials

After talking over some FAQs with Amber and her Customer Care Squad we dusted down our diplomas to dish out some sage advice, handing out a list of hand-picked essentials to students starting out in the dog grooming world to ensure their salon was set up to the best it could be on a beginner's budget.

divide buy

We welcomed DivideBuy as a new UK Only credit partner to help split your payments across 3 to 10 months

national dog week

Before holding a more subdued celebration of National Dog Week with iGroom, Jelly Pet and Groom Professional highlighting the correct coat care combinations to ensure happier hounds and preened pooches!

Verity Hardcastle

And finally, we had a catch-up with the veritable Verity Hardcastle who told us what it takes to become a top groomer that talks on the telly on our latest episode of Chat&DeMatt.

Coming up in October:

october preview

Sugar, spice and all things nice… with some stranger deals and smart credit advice.

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